• I Paid A Bribe
  • 11 years ago

Landed in Bangalore for an annual leave and carried my DSLR with…

Reported on October 2, 2013 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #36508

Landed in Bangalore for an annual leave and carried my DSLR with me. Customs official pulls me over and says for the DSLR (for which I didn't have the bill on me) i had to pay VAT charges of Rs 5000. I asked how he came to the number Rs 5000 he mentioned any electronic items without bill and over Rs 150000 has a flat rate of Rs 5000. ( No official paper work was shown for that statement)
I mentioned that I didn't have the amount on me in person and would need to access a ATM to withdraw the amount (going by the books) and expecting for the receipt. Instead he told to give whatever I have and ended up giving him Rs 2000 which he asked me to leave on the table and covered it with a newspaper and tried making small talk with me. Needless to say I wasn't given any receipt for that.

Its demoralizing to know Indian's coming home are being subjugated to such an stupid routine of custom officials. I shudder to imagine about overseas investors or even foreigners coming into the country and meeting with our bribed enhanced customs officials. Good example we are setting here..

Couple more things

1. I didn't have a bill for the DSLR but there was no mention on the declaration card that carrying electronic items without a bill of purchase would be treated for VAT charges.
2. Its illogical to assume every tom dick and harry would know about carrying a bill around since I passed through 2 different countries (New Zealand

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