• I Paid A Bribe
  • 12 years ago

Bribe demanded by baggage checking employees *******

Reported on March 13, 2012 from Kolkata , West Bengal  ι Report #2258

I'm ********** writing you from London, United Kingdom. Let me first take the opportunity to appreciate everyone behind this great idea of website. It is a great place to tell something right when something goes wrong.

Here is my experience, on 26/01/2012 around 4:30 AM British Airways flight that i was travelling from London Heathrow has landed in hyderabad Rajiv ********** international airport. After the immigration clearance and collection of my baggage i had to pass through customs like any other international passenger. while a person scanned my baggage they found one alcohol bottle and one iphone which was an used phone of mine. He send me to a desk where these customs employees decide the bribe i need to pay (instead of duty "if applicable"). I explained them that it is an used phone and i opened my luggage and showed them. I even explained that there are no brand new items or any other items over the limit. But, they said i need to pay INR 4000 or else pay £35 as bribe, they insisted me to pay bribe and they sent me to another guy where i paid the amount they demanded.

Giving £35 wasn't a big deal it was the price i pay to a cab service in london for a 10 mile distance, but paying it as a bribe was so embarrassing and for that moment i really really felt shame being an indian.

Corruption, bribery and disrespect for the individual are the major factors why most of the NRI's are not coming back to india to share their knowledge and intellect. My age is 27 years, in my childhood i was told in schools that india is an developing country, to be honest my brother's son who is going to school still learning the same thing "India is an developing country". If society (people) is not willing to change themselves country will never change. Generations will pass but india will remain as developing country until unless people change.

Note:: whoever reading this message now please do something right and take serious measures to control bribe in the places like airport. If a foreigner travels to our country and faces the same bribe situation its gonna be a great shame for our country. Don't let world nations disrespect our india. please make a positive change, please follow the rules and regulation, respect the individual and he/she will respect you.
Hope the next generation will see a brighter india.

thank *******

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