• I Paid A Bribe
  • 10 years ago

Customs Officer demanded money and his senior officer encouraged it.

Reported on July 8, 2014 from Hyderabad , Telangana  ι Report #41900

I was on my return flight to India and at the customs an officer stopped me. I asked him why did he stop me...?

Do you need to see my passport...?

He said no need for passport.......Just give me $20 or I will make you sit here for 4-5 hours.

I shouted at him saying I am not going to pay you a penny also.....

I asked him where his senior officer was....?

I tried to talk to a police officer nearby.... He walked away seeing me with the customs officer.....

This is customs officer made me wait for 20 mins and then his senior officer came and asked me what the problem was...?

I said "This officer is asking me money for no reason. I have nothing to hide and I maintain all the rules posted by Indian customs on their webpage"

He walked away and came back after 5 mins and said "Give me $50 and leave. Don't make a scene here."

I was stunned and their was no higher authority to speak to......and tried to resist for some time.

But, they would just let me wait or another 25 minutes. My parents were waiting for me outside the airport and it's been 2 years since I saw them.

I asked for the officers name and he did not tell me. And also I did not find any ID card on him and the senior officer hid his ID card in his shirt pocket......

I felt terrible and just dropped the $20 bill and walked away scolding them.

Also I forgot to say this..... I was offered to not to have any customs check for Rs: 3500 when I was done with my immigration. A police constable said this to me....

Which means any kind of illegal drugs or terrorists can easily come in......

There are many questions on the internet by Indians asking "How to become customs officers ?" and "What to study to become customs officers ?"

Such is the income in this field. Please make sure this incident is reported. Of course there are no names involved here. So, I hope governments make sure law and order is followed at airports.


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