• I Paid A Bribe
  • 13 years ago

To get my duplicate registeration certificate

Reported on March 7, 2011 from Thrissur , Kerala  ι Report #27528

I dint posses the registeration certificate of my vehicle and had to pay 3500 where normally it has to be paid only a few hundreds. i cant remember the govt charge and i don't suppose anyone does; thanks to the large scale corruption in the govt offices in kerala. the common man boasts of high level of literacy and common knowledge and we are just practical fools.

I had to pay 10 times to the get my documents. but if i hadn't paid, i would have to spent a whole lot of money and time eventually. so i just opted for the thing to be done fast and paid them the money. well atleast they do their work properly when someone gives an additional incentieve(bribe).

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