• I Paid A Bribe
  • 11 years ago

Had to pay Rs. 4000 to get a marriage certificate on urgent basis.

Reported on July 5, 2013 from Pune , Maharashtra  ι Report #34827

Well, this is the point when common man has to give up on all the hopes and do what he is asked to.
I married 2 years ago and had to get a marriage certificate on an urgent basis for personal work.
When inquired with one of the official personnel, he asked us to pay Rs.4000 to get it done in 2 days whereas it costs hardly Rs.50 under normal circumstances and procedure.

Well, I don't mind paying Rs.4000 to get an authentic sheet of paper on an urgent basis but I would appreciate if there is a dedicated section named "Urgent/Tatkal", wherein money goes to a legitimate resource.

What is your reaction after reading this report?