• I Paid A Bribe
  • 13 years ago

Heavy bribe for getting fitness certificate from civil surgeon

Reported on June 16, 2011 from Hyderabad , Telangana  ι Report #7290

My mother needed a fitness certificate stating that she was alive, as she had applied for a Postal Life insurance. THe PLI rules only accept this statement from a govt. civil surgeon. In hyderbabad such certicates are issued only in **********/osmania hospital. She had to pay the security guard/some random admin staff at Osmania hospital. The civil surgeon did not even see her, and issued the certificate sight unseen. The entire process was happening amid disgusting scenes of filth that are common in a govt hosptial, and was a nauseating experience. Several other surgeons whom we we approached refused to give us the certicate. The entier process seems to be monopolised and orchetrated by a few top people at the 2 govt hospitals. Unfortunately, PLI and other govt agencies refuse to accept these certificated form reputed doctors at good pvt. hospitals, and hence this has created a new bribe stream for govt. doctors.

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