• I Paid A Bribe
  • 14 years ago

Juice Owner shops pays Rs 500 a day to traffic police.

Reported on January 21, 2011 from Hyderabad , Telangana  ι Report #28792

I was travelling to old city, Chaminar and was having a juice drink opposite Mecca Masjid, I think ********** Juice Shop, Then i was shock to see that the shop owner besides giving free drinks to the cops is paying Rs.500(He said he pays everyday to keep them happy and make some business) for just keeping 4-5 chairs outside his shop for his customers to sit.

Charminar is probably the worst place as far as the traffic is concerned, and the traffic officials instead of doing there duty are having fun at the store, 4 Policemen are just relaxing and leaving the traffic to do what they want to do, Instead of not allowing the shop owner to keep chairs and make way for the people he is enjoying his bribe and free juices. The Area incharge was coming and when this 4 police men heard his car coming went outside and said 'sab theek hai, saab juice chahiye kya' ...I thought atleast the Area officer would be a good official and then he too was corrupted.

God Helps us from all this corrupted policemen in old city and across *******

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