• I Paid A Bribe
  • 13 years ago

Karnataka VAT Offices - You pay bribe to make them work !!!

Reported on June 14, 2011 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #8080

I am Practicing Chartered Accountant in Bangalore. I am ashamed to say i am a "facilitator". I guess that is the case with all practicing CA's. I have heard that bribe is something that you pay to a person "not to do his duty". But its disgusting to see the VAT officers - even at the Asst.Commisioner level beg for a bribe "to do their duty" !!! Go for a VAT registration in Bangalore, you pay between Rs.5000 - Rs.7000 to the VAT officer. If you try to negotiate with him his "meter" increases. If you know him, then still you need to pay his higher officer. If you know the higher officer you need to pay his subordinate. If you know both, then the bribe is significantly low, but is still paid. Most times in CASH and sometimes as GIFT. VAT assessments never get completed without a bribe. It may be the 8th Wonder of the world if you close an assessment without paying a bribe. May be there is something wrong with the officer who closed the case !!!

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