• I Paid A Bribe
  • 13 years ago

Luggage charge more than your ticket cost

Reported on February 7, 2012 from Kolkata , West Bengal  ι Report #2873

I was traveling from my college to back home and was carrying my desktop computer with me. Apparently all of my batchmated were doing same and most of us had trains from kolkata and TC were literally searching platform for IIT students with desktop.We had luggage under weight limit but there is some rule which asks you to get a luggage slip for elctronic items and computer is an elctronic item. Now we have a booking counter in IIT Kharagpur campus and a very large station in kharagpur but they never told us neither enforced this rule.
Penalty for this is 2-3 times of your ticket so TC will ask you your choice and being student we will agree to pay him/her ( in my case two ladies TC) a bribe.
No matter that many local vendors were carrying huge stocks in passenger coach in front of everyone but they had their arrangement and were not hapless student like us
While returning from Indore 2 months later I went to local railway station and asked for luggage slip they said you do not need one but at Kolkata once again I was fleeced

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