• I Paid A Bribe
  • 13 years ago

Paid bribe to investigate the theft at my home

Reported on March 12, 2011 from Gurgaon , Haryana  ι Report #26632

This must be most ridiculous incident. A theif entered my home at late midnight and ran away with some valuables along with my cell phone. Next morning police came and convinced me to not register a FIR but just an investigation report. They claimed that mine was the safest area in the locality and such thing was not possible. And, finally even if it had happened then I should bless my stars that I had survived. Finally, when they agreed to write file report they registered a case of purse stolen in market. When I argued that my cel phone and other documents are gone and can be misused they shrugged it by saying that the investigation letter will help me apply for newer ones and I need not bother about what was lost. They kept arguing till they wre paid some money and finally due to investigation letter they never pursued my case.
When I finally reached senior police officers they mocked at my follishness of having agreed to not write the FIR !!!
Veru humbly I accepted that we were part of lawless society where laws are made for tweaking in hands of influentical and to make mockery of common man.

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