• I Paid A Bribe
  • 14 years ago

Paid bribe for not violating the traffic rules :-(

Reported on January 29, 2011 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #28712

Recently (Jan 2nd week) I had been to Food Street, V.V.Puram Bangalore and parked my bike behind ********** Milk Parlour.
NOTE: I observed that there is NO sign-board that says "NO PARKING" over there and till ********** (Jan 28 2011) there are no sign boards in that place.

Had some yummy food over there, came back after 15-20 mins to the place where I parked my bike but I'm shocked as my bike was missing. However other vehicles that includes 1 car and few other 2-wheelers were untouched. Again I started asking few people near the parking area about my bike but they had no idea about it. Also checked with the owner of ********** Booth Parlour to make sure whether I violated the traffic rule and he confirmed that you can park it as there is no signboard over there. Later I saw the Hoysala Police van 100-150mts from the incident that happened and explained it to one of the Police personnel. When Police came into the picture then someone who was in the driver's seat in a Tempo told us "Few minutes back, Tiger (Traffic Police Vehicle) came and towed away 2 bikes by a traffic cop from the place that you guys are referring to..."

Then Police informed me that hopefully you can collect bike from Central Police Station, Chamarajpet, Bangalore in case if it is towed away by the traffic cop.

Then immediately I took an auto and reached Central Police Station, Chamarajpet, Bangalore within 5-10 minutes. One police constable standing at the entrance guided me to the place where they keep the towed away vehicles and there is a sigh of relief as I saw my bike over there. Till that time I was not sure whether someone stolen my bike OR it is towed away by a traffic cop. I had to wait for almost 30 minutes as the traffic cop has gone for 1 more round for towing vehicles!!

As the traffic cop arrived in a Tiger (towing vehicle), I met him and tried explaining that I didn't park my vehicle under 'No Parking' zone but he was not ready to listen. Even I told that I'm not new to Food Street and I used to park my vehicle at the same place atleast from past 5-10 years whenever I visit that place but it fell into deaf years. He asked me to pay fine at office and he left the place smartly.

Later I was about to go to the office to pay the fine and one of his assistant who guards those towed away vehicles called me and told give us Rs.250/- and take your vehicle. Otherwise pay Rs.300/- at office. That means he gave Rs.50 discount :| I ignored him so he gave additional Rs.50 discount and finally he quoted Rs.200. I got to know from him that his job is to keep tab on those vehicles, plus collect the money and hand it over to traffic cop by the end of day. Later he will get some commission too and the major chunk / lion share goes to the traffic cop whose name starts with 'B'.

Finally I paid a bribe of Rs.200/- to release my vehicle and I left the police station along with my bike.

Till today (Jan 28 2011), I don't see any "NO PARKING" sign-boards behind the ********** Milk Parlour at Food Street and many people park their vehicles at the same place.

The traffic cop used his power to make some quick bucks and I was one of the victim.

Why I paid a bribe of Rs.200/- instead of paying Rs.300/- at office for which they give receipt ?
- There was no mistake from my side but I was forced to pay fine. So I just tried to save atleast Rs.100/- from them.

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