• I Paid A Bribe
  • 11 years ago

For Pakistani Exit Permit From India

Reported on September 28, 2013 from New Delhi , Delhi  ι Report #36503

I traveled with my wife to India on Pakistani passport (we are USA citizen) which required us to report to police station. Upon my arrival to the destination city I went to the police station and presented documents and arrival registration paper were completed. Prior to departing the town went to the police station and got exit registration papers. Our trip was going wonderful until reached New Delhi airport airline counter. I presented my reservation papers and passport, was asked for police report which I presented as well. Telephone call was made by the airline agent and 3 people showed up looking at my police report and declared it as invalid. The reason given that I did not go the correct police station. I asked them how I would know the correct one from the wrong one, why did the police station register my arrival and departure and issued report if they were not authorized. One individual (airline supervisor) took me on side and said that he will call an immigration agent who will be able to help me. In few minutes agent came and after looking at the papers said these papers will not be accepted by authority and you have to go back to the city you came (600 miles from New Delhi) and go to the correct police station and get valid arrival and departure papers. My 2nd choice was to go to New Delhi police station and get the registration done which will cost $50/person fine and other fees for application and all needs to be done in less than 2 hours else I will miss my flight, next flight is 2 days later.
Realizing the situation I told the immigration agent go ahead tell me how to get to the police station upon which he took my papers and disappear for 10 minutes or so. Immigration agent (let me call him Mr. Angel) came back handed me the papers and informed the airline agent to issue me boarding cards. After getting boarding cards we walked towards immigration check point. As we reached to the immigration counter Mr. Angel showed up and got our passports and boarding pass stamped.
After security check as we were walking towards the gate Mr. Angel showed up again and asks me to walk towards food court. Upon reaching food court told me to put dollars in the passport on visa page and give him the passport. I put $100 and gave to Mr. Angel. Money was removed from passport and I was asked to put some more. I put IR.4000 and said I do not have any more to give. Mr. Angel took the money out of passport and wished me good luck and walked away.
Mr. Angel is a tall person with clean shave and black mustache, I also saw him when arrived in New Delhi airport on August 19th, 2013. Mr. Angel was helping the passengers to fill out entry forms. All the immigration agents sitting at the counter wearing badge but Mr. Angel was not wearing badge and did want to tell his name.

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