• I Paid A Bribe
  • 13 years ago

Passport Check at Mumbai International Airport

Reported on October 16, 2011 from Mumbai , Maharashtra  ι Report #3725

I left India and went out to Europe. At the passport check at departure air port, the officer asked me for my PCC police clearance certificate. I had one from my own city Ahmedabad, which was 2 months old. Due to this he stopped and told me that I cannot go ahead because he doubts that I might have done some crime in those 2 months. And not to lose the flight I had to bribe him. I gave him in Euro, 100.
Later I came to know that they have no right to ask for PCC. If I have visa for the country to which I am going, then nobody else can stop you. If the officer has a doubt, then he must show you the base of his doubt and he or she cannot stop you at all.

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