• I Paid A Bribe
  • 5 years ago

Police constable threatened me to detain my bike.

Reported on September 9, 2020 from Ahmedabad , Gujarat  ι Report #224422

While passing from Kalaupur bus station to Kalupur railway station on my bike on Monday, 7th Sep, 2020. Constable names Sujitsinh Rathor suddenly stopped me and asked to stand bike near the police cabin. After stopping bike he asked me to show license which i showed him. But then he told me to talk to another constable seating inside the cabin. I and Sutisinh Rathor went in the cabin where Sujitsinh gave my licence to that constable and said him i have not worn helmet. Another constable asked me to pay penalty of Rs. 500. I said ' idont have that much money so he got angry and told me to detain my bike. Then after he asked how much money do i have. I told him i had around 110 rupees which i also showed him. Thus he told me to give 100 rupees as bribe to let me go. I had to give 100 rupees as bribe as i was scared.
I request to keep watch on them at Kalupur police cabin near Kalupur, ahmedabad railway station and catch them.

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