• I Paid A Bribe
  • 7 years ago

Ravi at Banaswadi Police Station

Reported on January 10, 2018 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #175782

This officer XXXXXX keeps coming by and loitering at our home until we pay him money to go away. We have given over XXXXX to him so far. He is annoying and unwelcome and loud and barges in and sits on our couch and makes loud phone calls. He has to be reprimanded against this kind of behavior, actually he has to be fired for this. Apparently he harassed our earlier tenant into regular bribery and he is a weird unwelcome dude that shouldn't be a XXXXX if he is going to get Paid like this. This is an ugly situation and I pray that this form can make this behavior stop immediately. Thank you!!!

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