• I Paid A Bribe
  • 9 years ago

Shatabti Cbe-chennai corruption for misspelled Gender for co-passanger

Reported on January 20, 2016 from Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu  ι Report #90013

Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Dineshkumar M C male 36
I traveled form coimbatore(CBE) to chennai(MAS) by shatabti(trn no: 12244) date for travel(18/01/2016), i was accompanied by my wife and 4 year old son, My PNR-4735967357, one ticket was confirmed before travel C7, 47 and other one was WL-1, i inquired my eligibility to travel with TT before boarding, i was told i can travel.
After a while TT came and asked for my Id proof which i furnished my PAN and Driving license. then he said he would try to arrange for a seat and also informed this train would not get full often.
After a while he alloted seat C3, 44 and advised to swap with the pas anger if i wish to travel with my family together. which i agreed and got the seat swapped with a male passenger.
while the TT came to me and asked for my wife's id card as here gender is mention as Male
The name of the passenger as follows.
P1. Dineshkumar M C M 36
P2. Ramya Dineshkumar F 34. i apologized for the wrong gender selection for my wife and said my wife has a photocopy of her driving license which he ignored, though i was holding all the original Id proof and i am the Primary P1 passenger. TT asked me to meet him in person and in private and asked me to pay a penalty of Rs.1800 which i refused and asked him to alight me if rules did not allow a co-passenger to travel without original id proof, for which he said he cannot alight me but asked me to pay penalty and also pestered me how much you can pay?, after few exchange of words both TT on the train took Rs. 500 as bribe together and ordered me not to discuss with any one.
Both the TT's for the route should be ashamed for their act, i pity for the Indian Railways for employing corrupt TTR's, though many steps are taken to quell corruption, this menace would not stop. i wish my 4 year old son would live in clean country like any other citizen with this experience i still doubt there will be a change after all.

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