• I Paid A Bribe
  • 13 years ago

Traffic Police ask for bribe

Reported on August 18, 2011 from Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh  ι Report #4751

I was travelling within city with my family (An infant, old parents included), driver was new to the place, traffic was chaotic, he was nervous and drove as soon as the light went green, not realizing that it was green for the adjoining lane (multi-lane, many circles…. Congested sidelanes). We were cornered by a traffic policeman as soon as we crossed the light; driver was confronted and asked to produce Driving license and papers of vehicle, which he did. On finding everything intact the guy called his colleague from across the street. The new policemen then asked us whether we wish to have a challan made since we had violated the traffic rules. My elder sister agreed to the challan but asked to pay it to the incharge herself (sitting across the street somewhere).
On this the policemen mellowed down suddenly and said that it will cost us Rs. 600 and we may as well loss some time in filling papers etc. He offered to close the matter in Rs. 100 with the driver going to the incharge with money and to get some directions of driving safely. We realized it was a bribe as it would not go into any kind of records, but since situation was complicated we agreed and paid.
Now my daughter is no longer an infant and I am determined to insist on going across the street and standing for long with her in my lap, if such time comes...but won’t pay a bribe, it weighs heavily on my conscience. And though Rs. 100 maybe a small amount still I know I have encouraged the miscreants to go on with their corruption.

What is your reaction after reading this report?