• I Paid A Bribe
  • 12 years ago

Traffic stop gone bad

Reported on March 8, 2012 from Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh  ι Report #2634

My travel partner and I just finished spending a day at Mahaparinirvana Stupa. We came in from London the night before. Needless to say, by the end of the day we were exausted. After finishing dinner, we started driving back to our room. We were pulled over by a police officer. He questioned if I was drinking. After telling him that I was just really tired from the prior days travel. He pulled me out of the car from my collar. He then attemped to frisk me, groping my genital and touching my anus. Being a male put in that position of having another male dominate me felt so wrong. I felt super uncomforable and started to resist. He slapped me (open handed) and told me that this could be over in a minute. He made the universal hand gesture of money. I took out all I had on me at the time. After giving him 30 GPB he still wasn't satisfied. He forced me to my knees and began to rub his genitals in my face. My travel partner jumped out of the car and began to screem. His (police officer) partner handcuffed her and sat her on the ground. At this time, the police officer had his penus out of the zipper of my pants. I could only resist so much. After he finished they both got in their police car and drove away. Leaving my still handcuffed partner and I alone. Needless to say that this last visit to Kushinagar left a bad taste in my mouth.

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