• I Paid A Bribe
  • 12 years ago

Travelling with a small child

Reported on March 15, 2012 from Mumbai , Maharashtra  ι Report #2197

Was travelling with a small child to UK late in the night, qued up for immigration and din't have slightest idea that an immigration officer would trick me, unsuspectingly i handed the passport of me and my child for immigration check, the immigration officer flips thorugh the visa pages and pulls out a Schengen Visa page which had expired, and hold nicely that I only see the expired date, and says that you cannot travel to uk with an expired visa but i can let you in if you pay the bribe, all in the name of helping a lady with a small child even saying "it will be difficult for you travel back to home and you'll loose the ticket fare since yours will be a no show" instead i will help you just pay me whatever you can, I said i do not have any rupee with me, he says no worries there is an ATM in the airport draw cash and queue up again, i 'll ensure you come to my counter... so I paid 1500 rupees.

once the immigration was done i quickly flipped through my passport pages to check on the basisc mistake, and when i realised it was too late.

I am ashamed of paying that bribe till date and felt horrible that I fell for that silly trick, hey but I grew up respecting people in uniforms for have learnt my lesson. I WILL NEVER EVER PAY A BRIBE NO MATTER WHAT THE CONSEQUENCES *******

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