Dr. Malati Das

Former IAS Officer & Chief Secretary
Planning & Statistics

Dr Malati Das has worked as an IAS officer in the state of Karnataka. She retired as Chief Secretary. As Additional Chief Secretary, Planning and Statistics, she developed the conceptual framework, and managed the preparation of the Karnataka Human Development Report 2005. As Secretary, Women and Child Development, she developed a gender action plan for the state known as the Karnataka Women's Development Plan. Dr. Das has worked with the World Bank as a consultant in Ethiopia, Visiting Professor at the National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) Bangalore, and currently she is an advisor with Janaagraha

Dr. S.T. Ramesh

Former DG & IG, Karnataka

Dr S.T. Ramesh worked as an IPS officer in the state of Karnataka. He retired as the DGP of Karnataka in 2011. He was the Central Intelligence Office, Intelligence Bureau, Bangalore, Deputy IG CID, & IG Police Computer Wing & State Crime Record Bureau, where he digitized the crime record of Karnataka. He represented India for various overseas programs related to police & security, including the Atlanta Olympics, 1996. He has also received various accolades viz. the President's Police Medal for Meritorious Service – Independence Day 1995, President's Police Medal for Distinguished Service – Independence Day 2007
  • 7 years ago

Expert Question Bank: What is a beat constable?

Reported on  March 10, 2018 from Citizen of India

No, it is not a police officer who beats you! Just so you know, no policeman is allowed to use force with anyone except if they are resisting arrest or trying to escape. A beat police officer is called that because he has a regular specific area or route which  he  patrols -  sometimes with another police officer  -  to  check  if everything is in order and nothing suspicious is going on. On night patrols the beat constable will sometimes call out or bang their lathis to indicate that he is on his rounds.

  • 7 years ago

Expert Question Bank- What are the different ranks in the police?

Reported on  March 10, 2018 from Citizen of India

The constable is at the lowest rung of the ladder. From here the ranks move up to the Head Constable (HC), Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI), Sub-Inspector (SI), Inspector (IP), Assistant/Deputy Superintendent of Police (ASP/DySP), Additional Superintendent of Police (Addl SP), Superintendent of Police (SP), Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG), Inspector General of Police (IGP), Additional Director General of Police (ADG) and finally the Director General of Police (DGP).

  • 7 years ago

Dear Sir/Madamhope you be is awesome to get to know your website and such an amazing work!I just wonder is it possible to have a corporation with you for IRAN as well?I should say in Iran there are not many such things but I would like to lunch this process to IRAN with help of you!it would be great if we will be part of your movement With Regards

Reported on  March 2, 2018 from Samuel

Answered by Dheeman Ghosh on the behalf of Dr. ST Ramesh

Dear Samuel,

Great to connect with you! Kindly fill in the typeform with detail of starting a similar venture in Iran


  • 7 years ago

To whom this may concern, I am an undergraduate student studying International Relations at Durham University (United Kingdom). I am currently working on a research project about the impact of mobile phone applications on corruption, I came across your application and immediately found it really interesting and beneficial to my project. I was wondering whether you could provide me data on the number of downloads or users per state on a yearly basis until 2017?Many thanks, Philippa Trowbridge

Reported on  February 23, 2018 from Philippa Trowbridge

Answered by Dheeman Ghosh on the behalf of Dr. Malati Das

Dear Phillippa, thank you for writing in to us. We have stopped the mobile application since 2015 end, and are waiting to launcha  newer version. Will connect and give you the required data only when the mobile site is again up and running

  • 7 years ago

We have a residenceal apartment , I get the tax fixed for that I am scared to reach ARO (Area revenue officer)because they demand huge bribe to fix tax

Reported on  January 30, 2018 from Vinay

You cannot put off getting the tax assessed for your apartment because of your apprehensions that someone in the ARO’s office will demand a bribe. Please acquaint yourself with the procedures and then visit the office and ensure that the work is done. If you are harassed for bribes, then you should complain to the supervisory officer. In this case, the Revenue Officer or escalate the matter to the Commissioner of the Municipality concerned.

  • 7 years ago

I am looking at a land parcel around navi mumbai near panvel side but its an agriculture land so what i want to know is that do i need to convert it commercial land ? to carry out commercial activity or is there some kind of a ruling which has come into effect that doesn't need you to convert it into NA Land because my broker is saying that the ruling has changed. According to him the mentioned land is in the industrial area so the conversion is not required? kindly answer asap

Reported on  January 27, 2018 from Tarang

Please ask your broker to provide you with the requisite Government notifications converting the land from agricultural to non-agricultural land. If there is no such notification, you will have to follow the procedures for conversion of land from agricultural to commercial use.

  • 7 years ago

One of my close friend is working in Govt. Agriculture department in Indore (M.P.) area. His boss is a corrupt person and wastes the govt. money on un-productive measures, i.e. he spends too much money in partying in 5-start hotels from govt. money. As a result of which there is money shortage in his govt. department and bill payment gets extensively delayed. Along with this he has bought so many items from govt. money which are never used, this is a clear sign of wastage of govt. money.

Reported on  January 5, 2018 from Royal Ninja

Please get in touch with the following by way of a written complaint supported by documentary and/or electronic evidence. Vague, unsubstantiated allegations will not be taken seriously by the authorities:

Principal Secretary, Agriculture :


Deputy Secretary:



You can also address the Lokayukta:Procedure for complaints-

  • 7 years ago

Dear Expert,I am a resident of Bangalore, Karnataka and am currently purchasing a new car. Since my first car has an even registration number, for the second car I want an odd registration number. The Sales person says he shall ensure that, but I have to pay INR 5000 and no receipt will be given. If I want a receipt, it will cost INR 20000. This clearly seems like a case of corrupt practice, or am I wrong. An explanation or alternative would be welcome. I do not wish to pay a bribe.

Reported on  December 5, 2017 from Sadiq Rangwala

A prescribed fee is charged by the RTO if a citizen wants a specific registration number. Please visit your jurisdictional RTO, pay the prescribed fee and get the number of your choice by following the procedure. You don’t have to go through the salesperson but access the RTO directly.

  • 7 years ago

Where to seek redress in case of suppliers paying bribes in corporate? I hail from an MNC involved in tobacco manufacturing and am ready to disclose details on bribery that has been going on since 2015 here in Mumbai?

Reported on  November 28, 2017 from Dindayal Sharma

Please verify if your organization has a Code of Conduct policy in place which protects whistleblowers , similar to ITC India-

Alternatively, your organization probably has some sort of agency/individual in place to look into cases of corruption and you can approach that agency/individual with your complaint.

  • 7 years ago

My Parents are staying at their home in Jamshedpur since 1964. The building was too old and I had to do re-modification of the building. But after starting the work, suddenly 2 police officer came & ask my father to come to police station at evening. At the evening my father met with the Daroga and he asked for some "Kharcha Pani". He told that somebody has filed a complaint. But he refused to share the name of the person & what was the complaint. Please suggest what should we do...

Reported on  November 28, 2017 from Kalyan Kar

The police have no powers in the above matter. You are not expected to pay any police officer in cash or kind. Please meet a senior police officer of the rank of SP or above in Jamshedpur, present a written complaint narrating the facts with all details and demand action against the concerned Daroga and other police officers.