• ईमानदार कर्मचारी
  • 13 years ago
  • 1017 दर्शनों की संख्या

Make up your own rules Mr. Police Man !

Reported on June 1, 2012 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #32829

So, the other day i was at the railway station and was going into the parking. Since i was unaware of where the parking was i might have gone into a wrong lane, A traffic police man runs up-to me and asks me for my scooter papers and licence, I obliged because i knew i was at fault. Seeing all my papers fine and in order he demanded for my "emission test paper" On trying to explan to him that 100cc scooters dont need an emission test he started to make me the center of attention by raising his voice. The whole parking lot staring at me and my grandmother waiting for me to come lift the bags for her, got me thinking that i should just pay this idiot a 100 buck and get the **********out of there. And that is exactly what i did.

Life would be so much easy if the cops actually did their job of protecting than stealing form us !

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