• ईमानदार कर्मचारी
  • 13 years ago
  • 1090 दर्शनों की संख्या

Simple Action - Great Lesson

Reported on May 4, 2012 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #32843

I jumped a traffic signal rather than waiting 50 seconds for the signal to turn green. The traffic cop caught me in the curve ahead and asked me to stop in the side. The immediate thought I had was to pay him the usual 100 bucks and get away. But the cop did not let me get down from my bike, I had to wait for a minute and then he let me go. It was a time penalty - an effective way to bring in discipline to signal jumpers. By the time I restarted the journey, the signal I had skipped had turned into green and all the vehicles had crossed me. The cop taught me a lesson very effectively.

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