• ईमानदार कर्मचारी
  • 13 years ago
  • 1209 दर्शनों की संख्या

Stop Making your own Rules Mr.Traffic Police !

Reported on June 1, 2012 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #32828

So, The other day i was at the railway station to help my grandmom board the train, I was looking for the parking and unaware of where it was i drove me scooter into the wrong lane, A traffic police runs up-to me and demands me for my licence and papers. I oblige as i was at fault to some extent, Then he asked me for "Emission Paper". On trying to tell him that 100cc scooters don't need an emission test, he began to raise his voice making me the center of attention at the parking lot. Embarrassed by the few 100 jobless people staring at me and the thought of my grandmom waiting for me forced me to just give him a 100 buck and get the **********out of there. "For no fault of mine"

Life would have been so much easy if cops did their job and left the stealing cash work to the crooks !!

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