• ईमानदार कर्मचारी
  • 12 years ago
  • 1183 दर्शनों की संख्या

Traffic Police

Reported on April 3, 2012 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #32855

One drunk man on a bike came and dashed against our car from behind one late evening ...Lot of his friends gathered around us and asked for money. we called the traffic cops and they came immediately, we told them since we are not on wrong we will not pay any one...The police dispersed the crowd and told them if there is any complaint they can report to the station. we went to the station and reported the case...they registered the case and report was written correctly and truthfully, except that they didnt mention that he was drunk... They didnt ask for any bribe and showed due respect...this happened in BTM police station on bannerghatta road...I would be thankful if you could appreciate them for this honesty..

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