• I Paid A Bribe
  • 14 years ago

Preparation of katha for site purchased at Devanahalli

Reported on October 25, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #30171

Dear sir,
I had bought a site at Devanahalli from agency. The katha for the same was long due as i'm in the Army, i couldn't make one whenever i had came home on leave due to shortage of leave. So i think in the year 2007 when i came for a long leave of a month i thought that i will get the katha for the same site. After running around for some time at different subregistrar offices i was ultimatly told to go to the panchayat office/ sub reigstar office at Devanhalli. there i along with my aged mother met the clerk at about 10 am and told him abought our case. we also met the officer concerned about the same he said us to sit down and asked us to wait for 2 hrs the katha will be ready. In the mean time the officer had left out to some place. At around 3pm in the afternoon the clerk said me that the officer will be available at a bank lets go there after he spoke to the officer concerned on his mobile. so i along with my old mother followed the clerk who was on his bike to SBT at Devanahalli town. Ahe asked us to wait out and after some time when he called us to come inside the bank, he directed me to the officer whom i had seen at the panchayat office, he said that my katha is ready and asked me to pay Rs 2000.00 as bribe. I was stunt by his statement. That too in bank where there is security man watching all this, the bank manager too is there, there were other employees too. I thought that all of them are involved. I was helpless. If i don't get it this time there might not be a next time as i don't know when i would get my leave. I then took out my Identity card and showed the officer and said that i'm an Army officer," i have spent most of my time on the borders of this country saving you all from the enemy so that you could have good night sleep, today when i came here for a work of mine you are asking for bribe, i thought that it would have been nice if there was a war and this country was with somebody else". after some time the officer said ok, now you pay atleast something say about Rs 1000.00 Since my mother was diabetic who was waiting out and shw had not taken anything from morning and i would'nt have got leave again for such a job. I paid him the bribe and took the katha. Till today i regret the same and feel ashamed of it, of my country my uniform amd my fellow countryme. God save this country

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